Dec 3, 2014

Inspired by Nature's Critters - Circle of Vitality Oils

Our animal friends are deeply connected to the Earth and to the rhythms of life. 

They have no hidden agendas, no greed and they don't lie. 

They do, however, have characteristics, qualities, skills and talents that can serve, teach and tutor humanity.

Our Kindred Animal Spirits demonstrate potential characteristics, qualities, talents, abilities or strengths that constitute an expression of our own personality. 

The animal world shows us the potentials that lie within us. Some animals are excellent parents and nurturers, teaching us patience, respect, love and loyalty. Others are great protectors and show us how to have courage and overcome fear. While some are teachers of fun and play reminding us of the needs of the child within.

Bonded in friendship our "Kindred Spirit" animal friends can rescue us, teach us, and can be a vehicle for wisdom that will serve us.


The circle or wheel, one of the oldest symbols dating back to ancient times and found in ancient ruins on virtually every continent, is one of the most primal symbols of life. It can be found throughout the world's indigenous cultures. Sometimes represented as a "medicine wheel", "circle of life", or "web of life".
Each culture views their wheel or circle from a slightly different perspective but each has a common understanding that the circle represents a map of the balance, harmony and the cycles of nature.

Representing the circular nature of the seasons and cycles of life. From birth, to adolescent, to young adult, to mid-life, and wise elder-hood, then the return to dirt within mother earth and our creator.

There is a Kindred Spirit Blend to assist, teach and nurture each of us along the way. Whether we're struggling with a life challenge, wondering about a life-question, or just wanting to navigate the inevitable daily 'ups & downs', the Kindred Spirits can assist.
The Kindred Spirit blends are represented by plant essences that are alive, intelligent, and interactive. We promise you that they are unlike any other essential oils blends that have ever existed.

Click Here Now to Order and Learn More about the Circle of Vitality Blends.  


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