Lavender essential oil has been used for thousands of years to calm and relax the mind and body. Its sweet, soothing aroma can help improve balance, energy, and overall well-being. It is also highly sought-after for use in skin care, beauty, and natural cleaning products. Lavender oil may be used to soothe occasional cuts, bruises and skin irritations. It has recently become popular in kitchens and restaurants worldwide as a way to add variety and rich flavor to dishes.
- Add a few drops to a diffuser to freshen the air in and uplift the mood of your home, office, or other areas
- Add a few drops to a warm bath or rub onto your chest, neck, feet, pillows or bedding to promote relaxation before and during sleep
- Massage a small amount on or around skin irritations, bug bites, acne, minor cuts, and bruises to improve the look and feel of skin
- Rub on chapped lips or skin to moisturize and condition them
- Add a few drops to grilled vegetables, meat, seafood or dessert dishes to enhance their flavor naturally
- Massage 4-6 drops into overused muscles to ease muscle tension
- Gently apply a few drops to sunburned skin to reduce redness, ease inflammation, and cool the affected area
- Massage 1-3 drops on temples, over sinuses, and on the forehead to ease tension
- Rub 1-2 drops into palms and inhale, or cup in front of someone else’s nose to help relieve shock
- Mix a few drops of Lavender, Lemon, Tangerine, and Grapefruit oils with distilled water in a mister and spray in bathrooms, kitchens, locker rooms, and other areas to cleanse and fight unpleasant odors
- Dilute 4 drops of Lavender oil, 3 drops of Peppermint oil, and 5 drops of Rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil and rub on sore feet after a walk or run
Purchase Lavender Essential Oil and all the other oils mention on this post from goDesana Essential Oils.
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